We are giving to you the Katalog Automatyki, which is a tool used to searching for devices, comparing technical parameters, creating estimates, offer questions, offers and orders, participating in trainings and automation fairs.
We are asking you to pay special attention to technical parameters of chosen devices and ,if possible, use attached documentary, selection programs and help of always available sales engineers. At every device is link "contact with sales engineer after click you can use text communicator, Skype or send an e-mail also just call".
We are asking you, if possible, to do not treat available prices as a selection criteria. Often comparable devices have identical functional features, but different can be for example, their reliability.
Given offer prices at every product are market prices for one piece. We encourage you to send us offer questions and to contact our sales engineers.
Main target of our system is facilitate and automate to maximum the flow of technical and commercial information.